Monday, January 25, 2010


Today was a good day we took a tour of the fountain house which I had no idea what that even was until today. But what it is, is a home where they take in people who are mentally challenged and help them work and find jobs and places to live. Because the way they feel about the place is that work will heal the people with the illness. I definitely agree with this motto. I can already tell that it means so much to the people to come to work every day and feel important the fountain house also helps them get a education and feel like people truly care about them but that is because they do care at the fountain house this program is so neat. Being here in NYC has really started making me look at what I will be doing in the future and I think it would be amazing to do some kind of internship or summer job at some of the houses we have been to my favorite being the Rivington house. I feel that this trip has really helped me grasp what I want to do with the rest of my life so I wouldn’t change anything I have done since I have been here. I cant wait to one day make a difference in this world and love my job so I will never have to work a day in my life. Thanks New York City

Mariah (future resident)

1 comment:

  1. This is yet another entry that made me cry. I am so impressed with the way you are processing your experiences and the city. I can't wait to walk with you on the rest of your "changing the world" journey.
