Friday again was a morning that came to soon maybe because I didn’t sleep well the night before. When I woke up I got in the shower and started getting ready when Anne came up stairs in a panic due to her face be swollen. She could barley open her eyes and her lips were huge. She had a allergic reaction to the fruit she ate the night before so she didn’t come with the group that day. L We all went to Carnegie hall which to be honest at first I had no idea what that even was but once we got there I soon realized. It was were they host a lot of the big events in NYC. It was absolutely breath taking. We got a tour and got to sing in the main hall as well. Seeing this place was unreal everything dated back to when it was originally built which was stunning. By the way this place was built for a birthday present! Can you believe that…sure honey I would love for you to build me a huge building that I can perform in for my birthday. That would be a hard present to top. Especially with how famous it has become today. After all the learning we got from the tour we parted and went on to the other things we had for the day. I had New York cares at a elementary school where I hung out with this little Asian boy for 3 hours. He was brilliant I felt that at times he was teaching me more then I was teaching him. The only thing about him was that he didn’t really play well with others for instance we played candy land together and I never once got to touch my guy or pull a card because he wanted to do it all. Its not like I cared to much but he still cheated and won every time. After that I ate at my new favorite restaurant in the world called Fresh Co. I eat there anytime I have time to go to 28th street the salad and soup is to die for.
Thing of your tour of Carnegie Hall my birthday present to you this year!!!